Privacy & Policy

Kosso Privacy Policy. Last updated: [11/20/2023]

This Privacy Policy outlines how Kosso ("we", "us", "our") handles your personal information when you engage with our website, services, make purchases, or communicate with us. By using our Services, you consent to the practices detailed in this policy. If you're not comfortable with any part of this policy, we kindly ask you to consider not using our Services.

We might modify this Privacy Policy occasionally due to operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. When we do, we'll update the "Last updated" date on our Site and follow any necessary legal procedures.

How We Handle Your Data

We gather data from multiple sources to offer our Services. The data we collect depends on your interactions with us. Beyond the specifics mentioned below, we use this information to communicate with you, deliver our Services, adhere to legal requirements, enforce our terms of service, and safeguard our Services, rights, and those of our users.

What Personal Information We Collect

The information we gather depends on your activities on our Site and how you use our Services. "Personal information" refers to data linked or relatable to you. Here's what we typically collect:

When you interact with our Services, you might provide:

  • Contact Details: Like your name, address, phone, and email.
  • Order Details: Your billing and shipping addresses, payment confirmation, etc.
  • Account Info: Username, password, and security questions.
  • Shopping Habits: Items you view, add to cart, or wishlist.
  • Support Interactions: Content you share when messaging us.

While some features need this data to function, it's your choice to provide it. Not sharing might limit access to certain features.

Cookies and How We Use Them

We gather some info automatically as you use our Services, which we'll call "Usage Data." We do this using tools like cookies and pixels. This data can include how you access our site, your device, browser details, IP address, and other interactions with our Services.

Info from Third-Party Sources

We sometimes gather details about you from others:

  • Partners like Shopify that support our Site and Services.
  • Payment processors collecting payment details for your orders. This helps fulfill our agreement with you.
  • When you check out our emails, ads, or Services, either we or our associates might capture some info using tools like pixels, web beacons, and cookies.

We manage data from third-party sources according to this Privacy Policy. Yet, we can't guarantee its accuracy or the policies of these external sources. For a deeper dive, check the "Third Party Websites and Links" section below.

Using Your Details: Why and How

  • Fulfilling Your Needs: We use your info to offer our services: processing payments, managing your orders, updating you on your account and purchases, shipping, and managing returns. We also let you post reviews.
  • Marketing to You: We use your details for tailored promotions through emails, texts, or mail. Your data also helps personalize ads on our site and elsewhere.
  • Safety First: We monitor for any suspicious activity to prevent fraud. If you have an account with us, keep your login details private. Suspect a breach? Reach out ASAP.
  • Chatting with You: We'll use your data for customer support and service improvements. It helps us serve you better and maintain our business connection.

About Cookies

We, like many websites, use Cookies. For details on the Cookies used by our Shopify store, check out Shopify's Cookie Policy. Here's why we use them:

  • Boost Your Experience: Cookies remember your actions and preferences, making our Site and Services smoother for you.
  • Learning and Growth: We analyze user interactions to refine and enhance our Services.
  • Tailored Content: Some third parties might also use Cookies on our site to make content and ads more relevant to you.

While most web browsers accept Cookies, you can adjust settings to decline or remove them. However, doing this can affect how our Site works for you. And even if you block Cookies, it won't stop all data sharing with third-party advertisers.

Sharing Your Details: Here's the Rundown

Sometimes, we share your info with third parties:

  • Service Helpers: These are vendors and companies who assist us - think payment processing, customer support, data analysis, and shipping.
  • Partners in Business and Marketing: We collaborate with platforms like Shopify to serve ads and other services. Always remember, our partners have their own privacy rules.
  • Your Direct Actions: If you ask us to, or use features like social media logins, we'll share info as you've directed.
  • Our Extended Business Family: We may share data within our corporate group for seamless operations.
  • Big Business Moves and Legal Duties: If there's a merger, a legal obligation, or we need to protect our rights, sharing might happen.

In the past year, here's the kind of info we've shared:

Information Type & Recipients: We collect specific data types, including your contact and account details, shopping and support records, and your site interaction patterns (termed 'Usage Data'). This information is shared with our dedicated service providers involved in payment processing and customer support, our marketing collaborators, and affiliated entities.

Regarding sensitive data: Please be assured, we don't use this information for any inferential purposes.

Recent Data Sharing & Categories: In the past 12 months, in line with relevant legal definitions, we've "sold" and "shared" personal data for our advertising and marketing. This includes identifiers like basic contact specifics, order/account details, transaction records, and online activity patterns such as Usage Data. This information is primarily shared with our Business and Marketing Partners.

Sharing Your Content

Our Services let you post reviews and other content. Remember, if you share in public areas, anyone can see it. We can't control or be responsible for how others might use this information.

Links to Other Sites

On our Site, you might find links to third-party websites or platforms. If you go to sites not controlled by us, check out their privacy and security rules. We can't guarantee their privacy or security, and we're not responsible for what they have there, or the info's accuracy.

Also, any info you share publicly or semi-publicly, including on third-party social media, can be seen by others without any limits on its use. Including links doesn't mean we endorse their content or owners, except as mentioned on our Services.

Children's Data

Our Services aren't designed for use by children, and we don't knowingly collect personal information from them. If you're a parent or guardian, and your child shared their information with us, please contact us using the details below to request its deletion.

Additionally, as of the Effective Date of this Privacy Policy, we are not aware of "sharing" or "selling" (as defined by applicable law) personal information of individuals under 16 years of age.

Your Information's Safety and Storage

Remember, no security system is completely infallible, and we can't assure "perfect security." Plus, info you send might not be safe during transit. For sensitive details, avoid unsecure channels.

As for how long we keep your info, it varies. Factors include maintaining your account, providing Services, meeting legal duties, resolving disputes, and enforcing contracts and policies.

Your Rights and Choices

Depending on your location, you might have certain rights regarding your personal information. Keep in mind, these rights have conditions and might not apply in all cases.

  • Access and Knowledge: You can ask to know what personal info we have and how we use it.
  • Deletion: Request us to delete your personal info.
  • Correction: Request that we correct inaccurate personal information we maintain about you.
  • Data Portability: In some cases, ask for a copy of your info or move it to a third party, in certain circumstances and with certain exceptions.
  • Opting Out: Choose not to have us "sell" or "share" your info or use it for targeted ads.
  • Limiting Sensitive Info: Ask us to only use sensitive info for necessary Services.
  • Processing Limits: You can request us to stop or limit using your info.
  • Consent Withdrawal: Where we rely on consent to process your personal information, you may have the right to withdraw this consent.
  • Appeal: If we deny your request, you can appeal.
  • Communication Choices: You can opt out of promotional emails.

You can exercise these rights on our Site or by contacting us!

We won't treat you differently for using these rights. To make sure it's really you, We may need to collect information from you to verify your identity, such as your email address or account information.You can also designate someone to act for you, but they need proof of your approval. We'll respond as required by law.

For personalized ads on third-party sites, we use Shopify's ad services. To limit how your data is used for these services, check out


Got a concern about how we handle your info? Reach out to us using the contact details below. If you're not happy with our response, depending on your location, you can appeal by getting in touch with us or contact your local data protection authority.

International Users

Your info may be processed outside your country, including the US. Staff, partners, and third-party providers there might also handle your info. For Europe, we use secure methods like Standard Contractual Clauses or equivalent contracts from UK authorities for transfers, unless the destination country ensures adequate protection.


Should you have any questions about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise any of the rights available to you, email us at:Â